Initial results

blog21At the start of March we asked people to submit their ‘ghost’ photographs for analysis. The best of these images were then posted on the project website, and the public invited to offer comments, and vote on whether they believed each image depicted a genuine ghost.

The response was remarkable. We received around 250 photographs from all around the world, and had thousands of comments and over a quarter of a million votes.

The majority of the images showed mysterious-looking orbs, mists, figures and faces. Many of the photographs may have a normal explanation. For example, orbs can be caused by the camera flash reflecting off tiny dust particles, mists can result from condensed breath in front of the lens, long exposures can create ghostly figures, and apparent faces are often people seeing patterns in random shapes.

Even though we had the public submit their most mysterious photographs, the images we received don’t provide compelling evidence for spirits. If ghosts are out there, it seems they are somewhat camera shy. There were possible normal explanations for the majority of the pictures, and so were surprised that, on average, about 15% of those voting thought that the photographs portrayed genuine ghosts.

However, the search continues, so please do send in your best photographs and we will post the best of them on the blog.

One Response to “Initial results”

  1. Quirky Ghost Photos » Skepticality - The Official Podcast of Skeptic Magazine and the Skeptics Society Says:

    […] the Hauntings project. Participate in the 'ghostly experiences' survey. Read the initial results of the Hauntings project. Web 2.0 plays a big part in Prof Wiseman's work including […]

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