Purple ghost

“This picture was taken at the cook ovens in leetiona Ohio on 03/05/0 that’s my daughter sitting by the tree she is 4 months pregnant it seems to be a ghost looking right at her in the purple I didn’t know it until I got home and starting copying it ”


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142 Responses to “Purple ghost”

  1. Pat O'Halloran Says:

    A light anomaly, notice the area at the top of the picture immediately above the ‘ghost’ is much brighter than elsewhere. The light source has caused this anomaly by bouncing in the optics of the camera. A lens hood would probably have stopped this occurring.

    • bumcheeks Says:

      i believe this one, however it’s more celestial energy than spirit
      nice one.

    • HalloweenBaby Says:

      I see what may appear to look/be an alien. See the big eyes and the shape of them? I get that all the time. It bleand in w/the air if you will…or won’t cause if i could…i won’t! lol…I have many Digital photo is of spirits ghost & orbs. (kodak easy share 360)

      I can take them in a quick snap! My property & the whole town is filled w/Quaker spirits, they had no graves or markers for them back then…they just buried them on their own property’s.

      • HalloweenBaby Says:

        oops! ‘It blends’ in with etc..

      • HolloweenBaby or b4u2k Says:

        ▒♦▒ I am all grown up! How do you think that I know that all things are possible? It’s called acceptance & knowing that life is more then a glare on ur lenses! I also know that paranormal is normal, it’s a natural fact in this realm as well as outer realms. Its what you cannot see that’s real, seriously you all put your dam junk in dead trees & aid in ruining this planet. How’s that for your reality huh?

        Yeah, ya’ll use to believe the earth was flat, simple b/c someone told you that! This is where you fail, perhaps it is a glare…but can you prove it & have you examined it? I did not say it was anything…I just said that it ‘looked liked’ an alien-they too R out there w/the truth! . I have orbs w/faces or real people, even animals it’s in the air so is oxygen, it’s only a ‘click away’ & you too may see what you swear isn’t there. ▒♦▒

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Ohhh it’s just a ray of light … nothing more!!! The people see things where not exist!

    • UrNancerlot Says:

      Ur right! all of are energy & light…the light leaves the vessle when we die…our body’s go back to the earth from which it came then back to the universe from whitch we return & KNOW-RE-MEMBER as HOME!

  3. Weagon Says:

    Ohhh it’s just a ray of light … nothing more!!! The people see things where not exist!

  4. Sheri Says:

    That is lens flare, nothing more.

  5. Margaret Says:

    I agree, just lens flare; love the colour though 🙂

  6. ZeroCorpse Says:

    Lens flare. Grow up.

  7. lona Says:

    hey now why can’t it be a ghost ? Maybe it is lonely and this person offers a gentle conection, maybe in the past, the “ghost” lived here and did visit this beautiful peaceful place !!!

  8. Ady Says:

    definite ghost, it’s well known in that area, the purple ghost of the pond.
    the story goes that a little boy drowned in the lake when his boat sprang a leak, he tried to swinm to shore but was snared by weeds, he was dressed in a purple shirt at the time. The ‘ghost’ has been seen several times over the water but never makes it onto land, often disappearing just before the shore, just like the unfortunate little boy.

  9. Peter Says:

    Look at the position of the sun. It’s just lens flare as pointed out earlier

  10. Mark Says:

    I see this type of thing with my cheap digital camera. Its lens flare that gets oddly coloured due to cheap CCD sensors.

  11. Bevans Says:

    It would be really handy to have the original file for this one (and all the others, actually), if it’s a digital photo. Those files are embedded with lots of useful information, like camera model, compression, lens settings, exposure settings, flash info, and so on. Even knowing if the image is from film or digital would be nice.

    I agree that this is probably lens flare, especially since it lines up very well to the brightest part of the photo, the reflection of the sky in the water. If it were a bright and sunny day, you’d most likely see the telltale circles of lens flare, but since this looks like it was a somewhat foggy/hazy day, it makes sense that the light was more diffused, and therefore the lens flare is more diffused.

    I initially thought this was just a common occurrence of light leak. I used to work in a Walgreens 1-hour photo lab, and we would frequently see this type of streaking – numerous times a day. It could happen either by light leaking in to the camera or film canister (if it was film only, of course) or by light leaking into the huge roll of photo paper that photo labs use (very common at the beginning of a roll) or by light leaking into the developing machine itself (very unlikely, and it wouldn’t be a small vertical streak like this). Pictures with light leak would show a hazy streak of color, usually red. Since this one is purple, it could be that it has been color-corrected after being scanned.

    I favor my first explanation over my second.

  12. ZeroCorpse Says:


    Does it make you happy to tell completely false stories like that? Does it make it easier to accept that you will someday die, knowing that you’ll be able to float around as a smudge that’s the same color as the clothes you wore when you perished, and that you won’t just wink out and cease to exist?

    I understand the need for a comforting faerie tale… Just don’t expect the rest of us to require it or give it credence.

    It’s a lens flare.

    • debbi11562@yahoo.com Says:

      you are an absolutly RUDE person!

      • ZC Says:

        And you are a ninny who can’t deal with honesty.

        Where do we draw the line? If this person believed they were Napoleon, we’d lock them up and say they’re insane. If they said they received directions from a dog, we’d send them to a psychiatrist and give them medicine.

        However, when they say they insist they have experience with a purple ghost that resembles a lens flare, they’re fine and *I* am rude for suggesting otherwise?

        Sure. Got it.

    • gethel Says:

      You’re rather obtuse and just cause you believe we wink out after death doesn’t mean everyone else needs to ascribe to your unsubstantiated take on what happens after death? By the way there is more scientific evidence, which indicates we go on after death, than there is to the contrary. What’s the matter, are you afraid there might be a God after all? Einstein actually stated that energy continues on and cannot be destroyed or “wink out”! lol

      • Stijn Maertens Says:

        Scientific evidence of life after death? Really? How can you just state a stupidity like that without even bothering to give us some examples? Right … because there is no such evidence. Please do not take the name of science in vain. I find that very, very offensive. And Einstein was not referring to life after death, just to the laws of thermodynamics. They are real, what you believe, is not (real as in based on scientific evidence).

  13. nih Says:

    It’s photoshop.

  14. Robin Says:

    I would like to thank those who responded. First it was a digital camera and I have other pictures taken before and after this picture and the purple is ONLY in this photo. I did NOT tell a completely false story, I simply questioned if it was a ghost or not. Does it make you feel better to act superior, and make comments judging others YOU DO NOT know. I never claimed to be an expert on this subject just simply asking a question. I do believe in ghost and there have been stories told about other ghost being seen in this area. So please DO NOT assume I am telling a completely false story, because I never told one, and its not a “need for a comforting faerie tale.” Thanks again for the responses, and the judging.

    • Kitty Says:

      ZeroCorpse’s comment about a ‘completely false story’ was aimed at Ady, not you Robin.

      • ZC Says:

        Correct. Thank you.

        However, I applaud Robin’s ability to stand up for herself, even if it was misplaced.

        On the other hand, Robin, you say you believe in ghosts, and that’s unfortunate because it taints the story you tell. You’re predisposed to believe this is something supernatural. Deep down, you want it to be, because that makes it special.

        Unfortunately, it’s a lens flare. It’s pretty, but it’s not a ghost.

  15. June Says:

    Lovely colour. I don’t care if it’s a ghost or not. The daughter looks competely relaxed and that is good for the baby. No it is probaly camera flare, but if it makes the daughter think she is being watched over I’m all for it. Did she have a girl or boy?

  16. Tet Says:

    Robin, I think you misread the response from ZeroCorpse as it was directed at an earlier response from Ady, not to yourself.

    • ZC Says:

      Thanks. You’re right.

      I was pointing out that Ady is either nuts, or lying.

      Either way, I wasn’t responding to Robin.

  17. lizzie Says:


  18. robyn Says:

    Is it not just the light reflecting from the camera? I mean, i’m only 12 but you know how sometimes your looking at something an sometimes you get light like that? Ok so it is a little like a face but that could be luck. I’m not saying it’s not real though.

  19. hilmi Says:

    that light cannot be consider ghost since it only light and dont have any shape and figure …

  20. Victoria Says:

    I completely agree with June 🙂 Lens flare or no lens flare, it’s just a very calming and pretty picture.

  21. Spook Scientist Says:

    This picture is VERY unconvincing.

  22. Rana Says:

    I saw a similar ghost in Darke co. Ohio. I was 3mos. pregnant I have told my family about it I call it her.

    They said it is Lillith giding souls for birth.

  23. Rana Says:

    Oh, what convinced me this might be the same is the unique shape of the head kind of cathy the office cartoon looking. I remember that shape! It was almost the same shade of purple too. I was however indoors!

    I lost the baby at almost 4mos. I will remember the ghost!!!

    • debbi11562 Says:

      this is sad, I’m sorry for your loss Rana,
      Of corse things happen, just because you cant prove it dosnt mean it didnt happen…pitty to the closed minded, for they will never know any more than what is in thier faces.

  24. charles Says:


  25. Anonymous Says:

    It’s just the light, however I never seen a purple flare before, but I’m no expert to say if they exist or not (it’s more likely to exist than your lake ghost…)

    So… Although most believe it’s the light, I’d even go further saying it’s a fake…

  26. dave Says:

    i live in a trailer across from the coke ovens at the cherry valley rv park.
    real or not i dont know but at nite you can hear strange noises comming from over there.

  27. JS Says:

    very common photo anomaly

  28. LMC Says:

    I think it’s an reflection from the sun… cool pic though!

  29. Christopher Says:

    Probably an issue with the camera.

  30. Lou Says:

    There’s definitely something there and it’s NOT lens flare or a camera issue. I enlarged the photo and took a closer look and there’s a face and human shape within the purple haze. Chances are that the biggest critics here never captured anything unusual, but love to criticize others who do.

  31. Si Says:

    Where’s the ghost, then? Is it behind the classic lens flare which is typical of the positioning and colouration of its type?

  32. Len Says:

    It’s an issue with the (film)negative. Someone has damaged the negative with his thumbnail. That’s causing this color.

  33. ? Says:

    Mist type ghosts are quit hard to find prabably reflected light prabobly not

  34. ? Says:

    HOLY SHIT it is a ghost I enlargened the picture a couple of times you can see a face

  35. Anonymous Says:

    I believe its a spirits aura. Though Im not sure if its good or bad. Usually if its purple, from what I have heard, is a bad sign. But either way I believe this is genuine.

  36. Azaelia Says:

    I’d say it’s probably a lens flare, although I can make out a bit of a face there, if I squint.

  37. rose wise Says:

    I believe in ghosts and, have saw many. I just recently captured one
    and, it was purple.

  38. cjniches Says:

    I am thinking the purple is just a reflection of the picture, but after the person enlarged the pic, and they see a face, then I am thinking maybe. Kinda Spookie, to see all this images involved in a pic.

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  39. Peter OH Says:

    would like to talk to person who took photo

  40. clara jayne Says:

    definitely lens flare, guaranteed i could create exactly the same effect and post it back just to show you, Purple light whilst pointing a camera towards the sun is perfectly normal, Just obvious that is definitely lens flare

  41. Max Says:

    It’s just lens flare. Lens flare is caused by light reflecting on the inside of the lens. It can also appear as different colors. Which is all that is. No ghost, just light on the inside of the camera lens.

    • ZC Says:

      Thank you for giving me hope that not everyone is insane or deluded.

      Sometimes, I feel like everyone wants to lie to themselves, and the logical answers are ignored in favor of the illogical, because the logical isn’t as “fun” or “exciting”.

      So thanks. You’re right. It’s a lens flare. It’s painfully obvious that it’s a lens flare. It saddens me that anyone would work so hard to “prove” that it isn’t a lens flare.

      • Anonymous Says:

        Unfortunately, it is people like you that try to force feed your beliefs on us…”us” being the ones who have an opinion that differs from yours. When we state our opinions, people like you tend to pull the crazy card, regardless of proof or facts. What makes you right and believers wrong…can you prove different. No you can’t but good luck with your efforts…I choose to believe,which is my right. As it is your right to disagree…but stop the judging, it is nauseating.

  42. Erkki Says:

    @Max, I don’t fully agree with your statement. It definitely does not look like an ordinary lens flare.

  43. JP Says:

    On top of her purple thing to see something similar to a baby, in? i am brazilian’m, wrong if me went wrong!!

  44. I see dumb people Says:

    Dodgy film. ‘ Nuff said.

  45. MIB Says:

    Some light reflected off of Venus into some swamp gas…

  46. Danilo Says:

    Camera que utiliza “Filmes” de 12 poses, camera analógica

  47. Y8 Says:

    In my opinion this maybe just a glare from the sun…not a spirit or ghost..

  48. 613photo Says:

    This is lens flare on a cheap digital camera. The people responsible for making a lens that bad should be arrested for ripping people off.

  49. kendra30752 Says:

    WOW! Harsh, hateful and nasty comments all over this? Poor thing! Im mean, why be so rude and ruin the fun? Who cares if she believes in ghosts? Why bash her simply over something she found interesting and wanted to know about? That was so petty and looked disgusting! I mean these people didn’t HAVE to be so quick to totally crush the whole idea. My aunt, mother and me and my partner have a fun little “group” and we orb hunt all the time. It’s simply out of FUN so no need to bash it! Anyways, what I noticed in the streak, there is a face. We get those in orbs all the time! They’ll look exactly like a portrait of a person. We live near a battlefield (chickamauga) which is said to be extremely haunted. It’s actually on the ‘most haunted places’ list. Whether or not it REALLY is, we have experienced such an amazing, interesting time there. We captured orbs with a man who was so clear and perfectly visible! He was wearing a soldier’s uniform. What’s so wrong with people being fascinated by these things? I was shocked that everyone would be so rude. Don’t let that stop you from your fun or whatever you like to believe. I don’t have an exact belief about ghosts, but we love going on our trips. If were having a good time and all, it’s not hurting anyone so why would people have SUCH a problem with it like they did in this comments section.

    All I gotta say is have your fun, screw those nasty party ruiners and keep on keeping on. You have captured a wonderful photo! Do not let those stick-in-the-mud people take away your fun with it and your fascintation. You should see some of my photos! You’d probably like them too. 🙂 Well, I personally believe you captured something extrordinary & others WILL be jealous my dear. 🙂

  50. Rachel Says:

    You’re shooting into the sun. It’s a lens flare.

  51. Buddy Says:

    Probably a lens flare, but nice color though. But, it could also be an anomaly that’s spirit based, “as when brighter ambient light can over whelm the factory installed filters on the inner lens, & the camera can/will pick up actual entities from the near infrared, that usually only animals & clairvoyants can see”.

    This also goes well with the ancient prophecy that says; “when the full moon, mimics the sun, we will see our relatives”. And this phenomena is happening with cameras the world over. Some are ‘reflected light off a solid micro surface’ (i.e. a flat projection). And still others are found to be actual spirit based entities, ‘with a mind of their own’!

    Ghost hunting has gone from the ‘haunted house at night’, to finding them in the broad daylight via a camera technique called ‘Solar Obliteration’. I’ve seen numerous times, videos that show ”real ghosts/spirits in broad daylight”, via the S. O. Technique. (Just Google it..) It’s known to create a ‘type of dimensional window’. Right into the other side! But, “only within the blocked off corona”…

  52. Paul Says:

    it looks like lens glare but the shape wouldnt of come out like that so i think this could be real..

    Paul From
    short breaks to paris cheap hotel in paris.

  53. miniclip Says:

    Thank you for this blog. That’s all I can say. You most definitely have made this blog into something that’s eye opening and important. You clearly know so much about the subject, you’ve covered so many bases. Great stuff from this part of the internet. Again, thank you for this blog.

  54. kizi Says:

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  55. gethel Says:

    It’s rather amusing to see all the “experts” on this commentary who just absolutely, without a doubt, know that this image is not a ghost? Then to top it off you have losers who must insult the religious/spiritual beliefs of others to justify their own pitiful existence and lack of spirituality? If the picture taker believes it’s paranormal then she does. How is that hurting all of you who are making the negative comments? Are you that hateful and have nothing else happening in your lives where you feel the need to denigrate someone who might actually have a different opinion about the paranormal or whether a picture they took looks like a ghost or whatnot? Who is insane…………..

  56. Anonymous Says:

    In my attic I saw a perple light it looks like that

  57. Anonymous Says:

    I had a blood transfusion when very ill and felt very scared. I became aware of purple lights around me and Suddenly I felt very calm and I knew everything would be all right.

  58. Anonymous Says:

    i took a picture of my husband on our lake in a KAYAK with a huge purple haze over his head….Just happened to be the spot his Uncle drowned …HMMMMM…There is alot to this purple haze and Orbs..We are believers..

  59. Anonymous Says:

    rapunzel says;there is no doubt in my mind that this is Archangel Zadkiels violet rays protecting the unborn child from negative emotions surrounding the circumstances of the conception of this child,however all works out well,Blessings to all.

    • Anthony Says:

      Hi there, would just like to know how you came to the conclusion that ‘this is Archangel Zadkiels violet rays protecting the unborn child from negative emotions surrounding the circumstances of the conception’ . Would love to know, please get back.

  60. Anthony Says:

    Oh wow! This HAS to be a ghost! Er..no. Smudge of colour that can’t be substantiated. No doubt whatsoever, this is a lens flare .If we accept any old photograph with anomalous marks, smudges or effects, (light generated or not) we stand no chance of determining wether a print is the genuine article or not. Far too many people on here who want to believe and not remain objective. When everything possible, within reason, has been explained away, then what we’re left with is the impossible – there’s your ghost photograph. C’mon people let’s use a little common sense.

  61. Darrin L Stopher Says:

    Multiple purple ghosts appeared in a picture of my son and I that was taken at Robert Allerton State park at Monticello, IL. in the summer of 2002. Please give me your mailing adress if you’d like to add it to your collection.

  62. Noneofurbisnice Says:

    Just a trick of the light! its nothing!

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    A visitor from another dimention.

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  104. Bruce Wright Says:

    Note that this is a digital camera (time stamp in lower right corner) manufactured prior to 2000. Older digital cameras had trouble with sunspots especially if set on auto focus. Most people don’t understand how important exposure and shutter speed are when taking outdoor photos. This is nothing but a light anomaly caused by poor exposure and shutter speed on an older digital camera.

  105. Punky Says:

    I was just visited by a purple swirling mist. At first it was a black mass and it turned purple and my husband said it lit my face up purple as it was in my face and sitting on my lap he said. I could see the light in my left eye, but I was too scared to turn my head. It was pitch black in the room because we were doing an experiment to see if we could see the black mass that we keep seeing out of the corners of our eyes. I hate we didn’t get a picture because I suddenly got a terrible headache and my ears started to stop up like I was on an airplane. I freaked out and turned the lights on and the purple mist was no longer visible. I found this thread trying to find out what a purple ghost or mist meant. I’m not sure if this picture is a real ghost, but I know what I just experienced was real.

  106. Bintu waziri Says:

    Usually when you see ghost like image in pink is an Angel aura I believe.

  107. Jeffrey Says:

    I seen a ghost like that once it was all in purple like bubble..

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    • Jeffrey Says:

      i found out some lady died in my apartment i was trying to get my flash lite working one night and it would not work so i said i need to buy batteries a week later about 2am i woke up and the flash light was on and full blast i have heard someone saying hello to me in my ear i have had a fight with a demon like creature in my sleep when i woke up my arm was all wrinkled up like someone was hold my arm..

  109. Anonymous Says:

    Dude. That’s the flare of the camera.

  110. Anonymous Says:

    Hi, i made a youtube video with top 15 creepy spooky ghost pictures. Have fun =)

  111. Anthony Weeks Says:

    Sigh…….. I see pictures like this all the time, as a paranormal investigator I get asked my opinion quite a lot about these things. I have seen plenty of these pictures to be able to arrive at an informed (personal) opinion that this fits all the criteria of ‘lens flare’. Sorry guys, real ghost photos are few and far between but I believe this isn’t one of them………….

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